SIMPLE = T BITPIX = 16 /8 unsigned int, 16 & 32 int, -32 & -64 real NAXIS = 2 /number of axes NAXIS1 = 3358 /fastest changing axis NAXIS2 = 2536 /next to fastest changing axis BSCALE = 1.0000000000000000 /physical = BZERO + BSCALE*array_value BZERO = 32768.000000000000 /physical = BZERO + BSCALE*array_value OBJECT = ' ' / Target object name TELESCOP = ' ' / Telescope name INSTRUME = 'G2-8300, Id: 2054' / Detector instrument name OBSERVER = ' ' / Observer name NOTES = ' ' DATE-OBS = '2010-09-11T22:04:25' / [ISO 8601] UTC date/time of exposure start EXPTIME = 6.00000000000E+002 / [sec] Duration of exposure EXPOSURE = 6.00000000000E+002 / [sec] Duration of exposure SET-TEMP = -20.000000000000000 /CCD temperature setpoint in C CCD-TEMP = -19.843404769897461 /CCD temperature at start of exposure in C XPIXSZ = 5.4000000000000004 /Pixel Width in microns (after binning) YPIXSZ = 5.4000000000000004 /Pixel Height in microns (after binning) XBINNING = 1 / Binning level along the X-axis YBINNING = 1 / Binning level along the Y-axis XORGSUBF = 0 /Subframe X position in binned pixels YORGSUBF = 0 /Subframe Y position in binned pixels FILTER = 'R ' / Filter name IMAGETYP = 'Light Frame' / Type of image FOCALLEN = 0.00000000000000000 /Focal length of telescope in mm APTDIA = 0.00000000000000000 /Aperture diameter of telescope in mm APTAREA = 0.00000000000000000 /Aperture area of telescope in mm^2 SWCREATE = 'MaxIm DL Version 4.56' /Name of software that created the image SBSTDVER = 'SBFITSEXT Version 1.0' /Version of SBFITSEXT standard in effect SWOWNER = 'Martin Myslivec' / Licensed owner of software INPUTFMT = 'FITS ' / Format of file from which image was read SWMODIFY = 'MaxIm DL Version 5.02' /Name of software that modified the image HISTORY Bias Subtraction (Bias 1, 3358 x 2536, Bin1 x 1, Temp -20C, HISTORY Exp Time 3s) CALSTAT = 'BDF ' HISTORY Dark Subtraction (Dark 1, 3358 x 2536, Bin1 x 1, Temp -20C, HISTORY Exp Time 600s) HISTORY Dark-Bias(Bias 1,3358 x 2536,Bin1 x 1,Temp -20C,Exp Time 3s) HISTORY Flat Field (Flat 1, 3358 x 2536, Bin1 x 1, Temp -20C, Exp Time 3s) HISTORY Flat-Bias(Bias 1,3358 x 2536,Bin1 x 1,Temp -20C,Exp Time 3s) PEDESTAL = -500 /Correction to add for zero-based ADU HISTORY Process Remove Bad Pixels CBLACK = 1948 /Initial display black level in ADUs CWHITE = 3564 /Initial display white level in ADUs SNAPSHOT = 14 /Number of images combined MIDPOINT = '2010-09-12T00:38:54' /UT of midpoint of exposure HISTORY Align Images HISTORY File was processed by PinPoint 5.0.13 at 2010-10-21T17:57:21 DATE = '11/09/10' / [old format] UTC date of exposure start TIME-OBS = '22:04:25' / [old format] UTC time of exposure start UT = '22:04:25' / [old format] UTC time of exposure start TIMESYS = 'UTC ' / Default time system RADECSYS = 'FK5 ' / Equatorial coordinate system CLRBAND = 'R ' / [J-C std] Std. color band of image or C=Color FWHM = 6.00000000000E+002 / [pixels] Mean Full-Width-Half-Max of image star ZMAG = 1.97073193283E+001 / Mag zero point for 1 sec exposure EQUINOX = 2000.0 / Equatorial coordinates are J2000 EPOCH = 2000.0 / (incorrect but needed by old programs) PA = 2.68816031175E+002 / [deg, 0-360 CCW] Position angle of plate CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / X-axis coordinate type CRVAL1 = 3.14942777820E+002 / X-axis coordinate value CRPIX1 = 1.67900000000E+003 / X-axis reference pixel CDELT1 = -4.38219267515E-004 / [deg/pixel] X-axis plate scale CROTA1 = -8.88160311753E+001 / [deg] Roll angle wrt X-axis CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / Y-axis coordinate type CRVAL2 = 4.36594611229E+001 / Y-axis coordinate value CRPIX2 = 1.26800000000E+003 / Y-axis reference pixel CDELT2 = 4.38169366322E-004 / [deg/pixel] Y-Axis Plate scale CROTA2 = -8.88160311753E+001 / [deg] Roll angle wrt Y-axis HISTORY WCS added by PinPoint 5.0.13 at 2010-10-21T17:57:21 HISTORY Matched 195 stars from the Gray GSC-ACT Catalog HISTORY Average residual was 0.35 arc-seconds HISTORY File was processed by PinPoint 5.0.13 at 2010-10-23T17:38:04 CD1_1 = -9.05478608970E-006 / Change in RA---TAN along X-Axis CD1_2 = 4.38075818898E-004 / Change in RA---TAN along Y-Axis CD2_1 = 4.38125709437E-004 / Change in DEC--TAN along X-Axis CD2_2 = 9.05375499714E-006 / Change in DEC--TAN along Y-Axis TR1_0 = 1.67899999057E+003 / [private] X-axis distortion coefficients TR1_1 = 3.35799999983E+003 TR1_2 = -2.42671306307E-002 TR1_3 = -3.30797244483E-001 TR1_4 = 3.44100280404E+000 TR1_5 = -3.30694687139E+000 TR1_6 = -3.49398097725E+001 TR1_7 = -1.79540344495E+001 TR1_8 = -4.02935851107E+001 TR1_9 = 2.15167746783E+001 TR1_10 = -4.16810141871E+001 TR1_11 = 2.67091625067E+001 TR1_12 = 7.98817854615E-001 TR1_13 = 3.40592145796E+000 TR1_14 = -2.55803368766E+001 TR2_0 = 1.26800000043E+003 / [private] Y-axis distortion coefficients TR2_1 = -3.74209781921E-003 TR2_2 = 2.53600000011E+003 TR2_3 = -6.74687338772E+000 TR2_4 = 6.36733404485E+000 TR2_5 = -1.08749007983E+001 TR2_6 = 2.65116474176E+001 TR2_7 = -5.78988377324E+001 TR2_8 = 2.99311674716E+000 TR2_9 = 2.33918979410E+000 TR2_10 = -2.57701607420E+001 TR2_11 = -1.49698127822E+001 TR2_12 = 5.02741501669E+001 TR2_13 = -4.97282362184E+001 TR2_14 = -9.37839764423E+000 HISTORY WCS updated by PinPoint 5.0.13 at 2010-10-23T17:38:04 HISTORY Matched 177 stars from the Gray GSC-ACT Catalog HISTORY Average residual was 0.32 arc-seconds PLTSOLVD = T / Plate has been solved by PinPoint